Terms & Conditions
By submitting your story/experience, either by email, contact form, or voicemail, you are agreeing to have them read or played on air during the podcast, and in some cases reread or replayed on future episodes. However, there is no guarantee that your story will be used on the show, and Nic Ryan/Paranormal Mysteries Podcast reserves the right to edit your story due to grammar, swearing, etc. You, the contributor, maintain the rights to your story/experience, and Nic Ryan/Paranormal Mysteries Podcast will never use your story, other than on the podcast, without your permission.
Paranormal Mysteries Podcast relies on ad revenue, and donations to produce future episodes, and does not compensate contributors for submitting their story/experience. Therefor, any monetary earnings associated with the episode, in which your story airs, are the sole property of Nic Ryan/Paranormal Mysteries Podcast.