June 03, 202000:15:16

057 Midweek Mysteries: Adventures In Haunted Dog Sitting | Paranormal Mysteries


Episode 1 of Midweek Mysteries:

Midweek Mysteries is a new segment of the Paranormal Mysteries Podcast that we created in order to give you a little extra content in the middle of your week. While not a full length episode, Midweek Mysteries is more of a curated selection of one or two short stories that we think you’ll enjoy. Think of it as just a small taste of what you’ll get in Sunday’s episode. It’s just our way of saying thank you for being a listener.

Podcast Source: https://www.spreaker.com/show/paranormal-mysteries-podcast

Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com

Website: http://paranormalmysteriespodcast.com

Become A Patron: https://www.patreon.com/paranormalmysteries

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