June 28, 202000:45:01

064 Fae Folk: Strange Phenomena & Missing People | Paranormal Mysteries


Episode 60 of the Paranormal Mysteries Podcast:

In our last episode we began a strange and bewildering journey into the world of Fae Folk. We explored the history of the mysterious little people of Detroit known as the Nain Rouge and we shared some eye witness accounts involving bizarre rituals with small humanoids, flying fairies, an evil gnome-like creature and a pair of shadow steeling wee folk.

On today’s show, we’ll be taking a look at more eye witness encounters regarding creatures that fall under the heading of The Fae. We’ll also be talking about the strange phenomena and circumstances that surround some of these encounters and why many believe that these phenomena might be responsible for the disappearance of hundreds of people around the world.

Podcast Source: https://www.spreaker.com/show/paranormal-mysteries-podcast

Sources used in today’s episode:
Anomalies (anomalyinfo.com) / Cryptozoology News (cryptozoologynews.com) / Missing 411 Books by David Paulides (canammissing.com) / Mysterious Universe (mysteriousuniverse.org) / UK Wildman / Your Ghost Stories (yourghoststories.com)

Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com
Website: http://paranormalmysteriespodcast.com
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